Movie Meme
The rules:
- Pick 10 of your favorite movies. (Note: These aren't really my favorites, but they are movies I love--don't you judge me).
- Post a quote from each movie for everyone to guess.
- Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
- Looking them up is cheating, please don’t.
1. You know, I have a theory that hieroglyphics are really an ancient comic strip about a character named Sphinxy.
KnittyNay guesses correctly with When Harry Met Sally.
2. Ah, I like that. I like tulip. Tulip is much better than mongoloid.
KnittyNay guesses correctly with Pulp Fiction.
3. Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
KnittyNay guesses correctly with The Princess Bride.
4. All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine.
FeministSAHM guesses correctly with Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
5. And I guess that was your accomplice in the woodchipper.
6-String Mike guesses correctly with Fargo.
6. Ho man, this baby must corner like it's on rails!
Maraboumccall guesses correctly with Pretty Woman.
7. What is this, "Hump a Limy" week, suddenly?
My future ex-husband guesses correctly with A Fish Called Wanda.
8. I feel like I'm Han Solo, and you're Chewie, and she's Ben Kenobi, and we're in that fucked-up bar.
6-String Mike guesses correctly with Dogma.
9. The ratio of people to cake is too big.
10. I'm gonna make Gretzky's head bleed for super fan 99 over here.
FeministSAHM guesses incorrectly (but admirably) with The Cutting Edge.
Good luck!
2. Pulp Fiction
3. Princess Bride
the rest I will have to ask JV about... good challenge!
Looks like 5 is Fargo, 8 is Dogma?
1. When Harry Met Sally! :-)
missed you last night...
6. Pretty Woman
Is 4 Fast Times at Ridgemont High?
And I'm ashamed I remembered the Pretty Woman one.
And 10 might be The Cutting Edge, as that is the only hockey-related movie I can think of that you love....
#7 is definitely Kevin Kline from "A Fish Called Wanda."
That last would be Swingers. "I'm gonna make Wayne Gretzky's head bleed for #99 Superfan here." Ha. I'm so money and I don't even know it.
And the Ratio of People to Cake one is from Office Space I think???
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