Friday, January 25, 2008

It's official!

We're headed to Paris for the honeymoon! After a long and annoying phone call to the United Airlines ticket office, our flights are all booked. I'm afraid to check my credit card balance to see whether we got the credit for G's missed trip to Japan. If we haven't, that's a whole other way more annoying call to United that I just don't even want to think about right now.

In addition to Paris, we're going to spend about 4 or 5 days in Amsterdam, checking out Anne Frank's attic, the canals, and, yes, the cafes. Here's hoping I don't start throwing things (if you've never heard that story, be sure to ask me the next time you see me). We'll miss tulip season, but Holland is home to the world's largest flower auction, so I may drag G off to that (poor G).

I'm still trying to locate decently-priced nice hotel rooms, which I'm coming to decide is an impossibility. But who knows? Maybe the hotel fairy will come and bestow a three-star reservation upon us. I'll keep you posted!


At 8:49 AM , Blogger Jessica Córdova said...


And there's something else to consider blowing our equity on. :-)


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