Monday, October 22, 2007

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

First, the good: I got my dress swatch! I'm so excited! This is (supposedly) a swatch from the actual fabric they are using to make the dress. It seems awfully ivory to me, though. I ordered it in diamond white and that's what the label says, but it just seems very ivory. No matter. I first tried it on in ivory and loved that color, too, so I'm not overly worried.

Now, the bad: I'm about 7 pounds heavier now than when I tried the dress on. I really, really, need to get back into the diet groove. I've got plenty of time, I know, but I'm worried that if I don't start soon, I'll let it go too long.

Finally, the ugly: The Bears lost again. To UCLA. And that pretty much dashes any Rose Bowl hopes. At this point, we're fighting just to get back to the Holiday Bowl. I hate freakin' San Diego. Grrrrr....rah.

I realize there was no warning on this post, but I figured the picture would give it away.


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